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Many children enjoy using blocks to construct their own versions of buildings and creations but connecting those pieces in a safe and secure way is not always easy. Therefore, magnetic building block sets have become increasingly popular. The various block shapes allow children to create many kinds of structures, and the magnets hold the designs together without the need for glue, nails, or fasteners.

One major drawback with traditional block sets is the limited number of shapes available. A triangular or round wooden block would not be stable enough for building, but a magnetic version could be useful. When shopping for a comprehensive magnetic building block set, it helps to consider not only the total number of pieces but also the size and shape of those pieces. Older children often want to push the boundaries of a building project, so having a wider assortment of shapes and sizes is helpful.

Magnetic tiles and building blocks provide better creative opportunities for kids as they construct their imaginative products. The magnets on every end make these tiles and blocks as versatile as they could get. These magnetic building sets can become your child’s favourite toy and make you look like the best gift giver ever!


Ways to Use Magnetic Tiles and Blocks at home or in the Classroom


  1. Identifying Shapes

Having children identify shapes is just one way you can use COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tiles and Blocks to teach children math concepts. From sorting and counting to angles and geometry, children of all ages can learn the math skills they need while creating fun creations.

  1. Discover Science Concepts

COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tiles and Blocks are a lot harder to knock over than traditional building blocks thanks to each tile having magnets on all sides. Children can start learning about magnetic principles, gravity, and other science concepts as soon as the tiles come out of the box.

  1. 2-D & 3-D Structures

Children will also learn basic engineering skills as they use COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tiles and Blocks to build a variety of simple 2-D and complex 3-D structures.

  1. Boost Creativity

Whether they are building a house or their own unique design, children can use COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tiles and Blocks to create a variety of structures and designs. You can also ask children to come up with fun stories about the structures they are building to help them practice their literacy skills.

  1. Develop Fine Motor Skills

COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tiles and Blocks also serve as a great manipulative for children, because they can have fun building structures as they develop the fine motor skills they need.

  1. Learn Self-Control

Everyone will not be able to play with COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tiles and Blocks at the same time, so use this as a way to help children learn self-control as they practice waiting their turn and sharing with siblings or classmates.

  1. Teach Critical Thinking

Learning how to build a variety of COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tile and Block creations will help children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  1. Reward

Playing with COSMIC KIDS Magnetic Tiles and Blocks is a fun activity for many children, so you can also use them as a reward for good behaviour or a job well done.