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What are steam Toys?

The building and programming of toy robots is an experiential experience or “learn by doing” and creates a multi-sensory path to learning while having fun!

It can significantly increase a child’s capacity for learning and how to solve real-world problems using technology in an exciting way.


STEAM toys encourage open-ended play and trial-and-error exploration, teach problem-solving and allow children to lead the play experience, while preparing them for future study in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics.


Global skill shortages in STEAM-related fields are redefining educational priorities. Schools are starting STEAM-based learning programmes to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the 21st century.

STEAM learning will not only produce tomorrow’s designers and engineers; it will develop innovative mindsets and the ability to problem-solve, ensuring that our students become creators of technology, not just passive consumers.

STEAM activities encourage children to think, reason, solve problems, and experiment.

The toys available from Cosmic Kids encourage construction, problem-solving, using technology, and reasoning through challenges.

Benefits of STEAM learning

Students who participate in STEAM learning:


  • Development of creative problem-solving skills
  • Think outside the box
  • Feel safe to express innovative and creative ideas
  • Feel comfortable doing hands-on learning
  • Take ownership over their learning
  • Work collaboratively with others
  • Understand the ways that science, maths, the arts, and technology work together
  • Become increasingly curious about the world around them and feel empowered to change it or the better.
  • Encourage more girls towards STEM careers


A good STEAM toy is a whole-brain experience: left brain for STEAM thinking and right brain for fun feeling.

It should be open-ended to encourage the child to find his or her own individual way to play with the toy.

There is no one right way to play.

The toy allows for trial and error.

Being free to fail is one of the most significant differences between formal learning in school, where risk is seldom rewarded, and informal learning outside of the classroom, where taking a chance adds to the excitement.

STEAM toys are perfect examples of hands-on learning and a scientific link has been established between kids using their hands and developing their brains.